
  • love for life should be unconditional
  • We have a lot more control over happiness than we think
  • Experiencing good things also takes effort
  • We have to be okay with not having everything
  • Helping others will help us become happier
  • Prioritize social connections
  • Make time for gratitude like make a list of things we are grateful for
  • Good physical health is the prerequisite to good mental health
  • Mindfulness is super important. Notice what you feel like when you are doing something fun.
  • Time is more important than any material position
  • Life is how we experience it


  • I tend to gratitude journal in my own time, but I can list some things I’m grateful for
  • I am grateful for my friends, family, affluence, opportunities, and intelligence

Gratitude note(school)

  • I am grateful for my teachers. Every teacher I’ve had at Del Norte so far seems so committed to my learning and success, it always makes me feel safe and welcome. Every day going to school makes me happy because I know and feel that nobody is “out to get me”

Gratitude note(relationships)

  • I’m really grateful for Adi and Mia. They are super close friends of mine and people I can rely on for whatever I’m feeling. Whenever I’m down or just feel inadequate, they always make me feel better and with them, I feel like I can do anything

Gratitude note(personal)

  • I’m grateful for my ability to understand the world around me. Perception is so important and I feel like knowing what to work on and how to change my life has made such a drastic impact on me that I am so grateful for it as well.


  • get solid sleep
  • get consistent in the gym
  • do a lot of good work
  • devote time to being a mindful human
  • be more patient
  • be kind
  • become closer to people and more invested in other’s success
  • limit distraction