Takeaway Paragraph from the Presentation

Computer Science is the future. No matter what field you in, especially in engineering, there is a necessity for programming. Object Oriented Programming that you learn in Java is a fundamental part of all programming, and by learning the interactions of different objects and classes, then you can code anything you want. In the programming/Computer Science space, especially in college, something to worry about is the clash of Egos. A lot of Computer Science majors have done a lot outside of school and have a lot of programming experience, but it’s important to focus on the personal struggle that can drive you to achieve new heights. Another issue that one can come across is motivation. Sometimes when you start a new project, you will have a lot of errors and nothing will go right at first, but it is important to persevere through the initial discomfort of starting and keep trying. All issues can be solved through Google, so don’t be afraid to keep searching. Projects are dynamic, and have a lot of moving factors that change all the time, so its important to keep track of the different variables in your life and manage them well to achieve success. You are not expected to know everything, so don’t be afraid if you feel lost or confused on a topic. As long as you keep trying and work hard to understand the material, you will be successful. No matter what field you go into, CS will be applicable. Even if you are not doing a lot of specific coding, you are still learning a lot of problem solving skills for your field. Pathfinding algorithms as personal projects for work experience. Anything really in Data Visualization. For getting a job in the CS field, make a resume, make a LinkedIn, and start reaching out and adding people on LinkedIn. Eventually you’ll get a hit. Overall, to be successful in CS, just be unrelenting and persevere through struggles!