import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Comparator;

public class ArrayList1 {

  public static void main(String[] args) {
    // Creating an arraylist Jeopardy
    ArrayList<String> Jeopardy = new ArrayList<String>();
    ArrayList<Integer> JeopardyPts = new ArrayList<Integer>();

    // Adding without index
    Jeopardy.add("What is the capital of Chile?");
    Jeopardy.add("What is the capital of France?");
    Jeopardy.add("What is the capital of Brazil?");


    // Adding players with index
    Jeopardy.add(0, "What is the capital of England?");
    Jeopardy.add(1, "What is the capital of Ethiopia");
    System.out.println("setting the questions at certain indexes: " + "\n" + Jeopardy + "\n");

    // Showing size of list
    System.out.println("Size of array list: " + "\n" + Jeopardy.size() + "\n");

    // Remove item with index
    System.out.println("removing the third question at index 3: " + "\n" + Jeopardy + "\n");

    // Remove an item
    Jeopardy.remove("What is the capital of England?");
    System.out.println("removing the england question: " + "\n" + Jeopardy + "\n");
    Jeopardy.add("What is the capital of England?");

    // get an iteam with index
    System.out.println("Get element at index 2: " + "\n" + Jeopardy.get(2) + "\n");

    // find index of an item
    System.out.println("indexing the england question: " + "\n" + Jeopardy.indexOf("What is the capital of England?") + "\n");
    // hashcode of list
    System.out.println("Hash Code: " + Jeopardy.hashCode() + "\n");

    // check if list is empty
    System.out.println("Is the arraylist empty: "  + Jeopardy.isEmpty() + "\n");

    // check if list contains an item
    System.out.println("Does arraylist contain What is the capital of England?: "  + Jeopardy.contains("What is the capital of England?") + "\n");

    // clears list
    System.out.println("Cleared arrayList:" + "\n" + Jeopardy);


[What is the capital of Chile?, What is the capital of France?, What is the capital of Brazil?]
[1, 2, 7, 9, 5]
setting the questions at certain indexes: 
[What is the capital of England?, What is the capital of Ethiopia, What is the capital of Chile?, What is the capital of France?, What is the capital of Brazil?]

Size of array list: 

removing the third question at index 3: 
[What is the capital of England?, What is the capital of Ethiopia, What is the capital of Chile?, What is the capital of Brazil?]

removing the england question: 
[What is the capital of Ethiopia, What is the capital of Chile?, What is the capital of Brazil?]

Get element at index 2: 
What is the capital of Brazil?

indexing the england question: 

Hash Code: 473605997

Is the arraylist empty: false

Does arraylist contain What is the capital of England?: true

Cleared arrayList: