Week 3

If Statements

  • an if statement is a conditional piece of code that executes a certain procedure once a condition is met
  • an if else statement is a conditional piece of code as well but if the condition is not met, then it executes a different procedure
  • an if else-if else is a conditional piece of code that executes a certain procedure but if the condition is not met, it executes a different conditional, but if that is not met either, then it executes the last else
  • De Morgan’s law is an action you can do to a conditional that if you take the not(!) of a condition, it flips all the trues to false and the and(&&) operators to or(   ) or vice versa

Week 2


  • learned about the basics of object oriented programming using the Painter
  • used a lot of logic operators and iteration in the lessons to get the Painter to move and perform actions such as taking paint and painting after moving in certain directions
  • used a lot of conditionals and classes to perform tasks as a software engineer
  • learned about methods and inheritance that allows for the extension of classes in a subclass
  • inheritance by using extends allows for the subclass to inherit the attributes of a parent class as a means of abstraction
  • As nicm2 is not here this week, I gotta do it solo
  • I’m just going to implement basic math functions such as gcd, lcm, and fibonacci as well as a slightly more complex compound interest calculator within the menu
  • idea for the future is a jeopardy trivia class
  • in progress currently, but only barebones key value pairs for now
  • Need to implement a constructor and a method to check answers, then build
  • Looking to fix GUI issues with xlaunch and do more for the menu
  • It was difficult without a partner this week although

Week 1


  • Primitives are basic data values such as integers, doubles, and booleans
  • building block of primitives are characters
  • primitives in java need to be defined to be used
  • can do mathematical operations on doubles and ints
  • Strings are not primitives and use capital S when instantiated

CMD Learning

  • “explorer.exe .” to open bashrc and hidden folders
  • make alias in bashrc to run shortcut commands in terminal
  • gitfast to pull from github
  • openfast to open rohangfastpages in vscode


Week 0

  • use wsl to load all projects
  • code . to open vscode
  • cd ~ to cd into home directory
  • cd .. to go back one directory
  • cd … to go back two directories